Srácok valaki ezt írta gta forums-on:(topic:
Posted: Sunday, Feb 12 2012, 07:38
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Holder of the Enormous Sword
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Joined: Aug 21, 2011
O.K, I know a lot of you having been waiting for new information on GTA V, so here it is, but keep it for yourselves.
The map size is "larger than the size of the combined history of all GTA games".
All NPC's, and animals are designed using motion capture scanning technology, and will appear much more life-like than in any other predecessor.
The game will be released on PS3, XBOX 360 and PC simultaneously. The XBOX version will be multiple discs.
DLC will allow you to fly to a completely new city.
Children, are indeed in the game, but whether they will appear on-screen other than cut scenes is unlikely.
It will not be released until the final quarter of this year,(October, November or December), unless unexpected causes delay it, we will have it for Christmas this year.
A natural disaster occurs at some point in the game, an earthquake, fire or mudslide, which really puts a twist on the storyline.
The Army is involved at the end of the game.
The protagonist has multiple choices throughout the game, where only one path leads to beating the game.
Niko Belic is NOT in the game in 3D, but is referenced to.
In an all new way, certain missions will be inside other missions. It will be now possible to be on multiple missions at once.
The police A.I has been totally redesigned, making it much more realistic.
Zero from San Fierro, is the inventor of the ingame Z-Ped, the real life equivalent being the i-Pad.
The game itself takes over 200 hours, to complete from start to finish minimum.
Duck shooting is one of the many mini game activities.
Jim Jagger who worked for Sony on the 8 days project, has done some amazing work Rockstar on player mechanics. Climbing, jumping, rolling and navigating your surrounds have been improved upon vastly.
We won't see another trailer before Max Payne 3 is released.
You can now carry all weapons from all categories, simultaneously. For example, you can carry the Tec-9 at the same time as the Micro Uzi.
There is a grave in the game with the name Carl Johnson on it. He has been killed since GTA III, but his music lives on.
The use of illegal substances, is now an option.
It is possible to phone a hooker, and have her come to your safehouse and do the deed.
Some of the things the city will have include are, an amusement park, a grand prix, an 18-hole playable golf course, casinos, a huge public indoor swimming pool, a circus complete with acrobats, clowns and animals, movie theatres, a zoo, tar pits, a national park, a ski resort and a video game arcade.
Please don't let Rockstar know I'm telling you's this.
I'll give you some more soon. Cheers.
Szerintem ezek elég hihető infók lehetnek, nem pedig olyan baromságok mint a többi hasonló ember infói. Valószínűleg fake, de nekem tetszenek ezek a dolgok.